First-Time Dance Moms

Hair & Apparel Basics:
First time dance necessities vary from studio to studio; however, it is a good idea to confirm with your studio if there is a dance attire policy before purchasing dancewear. Some dance basics include leotard, tights, ballet, tap and jazz shoes. It’s always great to have 3 pairs of tights on hand for the year: two pairs to use interchangeably between classes throughout the year and one pair for performances only. This will allow you to lessen the chance of wearing out one pair of tights during the year and always have a fresh, run free pair of tights on hand for performances.
For your dancer’s hair, most studios prefer the hair to be pulled back away from your dancer’s face. This is for the safety of the dancer so that when moving, their hair will not fly into their face or the faces of others and obstruct their view.
Choosing a Dance Studio:
Different studios offer different options and finding the best one for you and your child’s needs is imperative. Be sure to research every studio you may be interested in. When choosing a studio here are a few things you may want to consider: the location of the studio to your home or child’s school, the dance disciplines offered, the length of experience of the dance teachers, the ambience and culture of the studio, the diversity of the staff and students, the studio’s recognition in the community, and pricing.